Sunday, March 15, 2015

Meanwhile, back in Canilla . . .

While Don is taking care of the team and doing a ton of shopping.  We are having a Sunday movie!!

Sam and Gracie

 Abi and Kymiah

Hannah and Anna

Bethany is at clinic in San Andres.  They asked her to help paint the pediatrics room.  Caleb is helping Joe at his property with a fence or something. The original plan was to do some school - that pretty much got thrown out the window today.  Oh well, there is always tomorrow!! 

1 comment:

Val said...

Hi all,

Caleb and I are in the same class at Liberty University online. I was intrigue by his view point in one of our discussions and read the link to your blog. I think it is amazing and hopeful to me in the least, that you all would leave the comforts of home to help others. I pray that all goes well for the family and group there. Please stay safe and I will share the link with others for monetary assistance and prayers!

