Sunday, February 15, 2015

En El Interior

We left the coast and headed to the interior of Mexico on Thursday. Here are a few shots of the drive.

We ended up at Lake Chalapa South of Guadalajara. The campground was called Roca Azul. Here are the kids below the tower by the lake. 

It was very peaceful there. 

We celebrated Sam's Birthday a day early. With the presents he received, we decided to have a movie night. 

It was a bit snug. 
Early the next morning, we continued our journey. Later that day, we started having some car troubles. We made it to Puebla and will be here a few extra days while we have repairs made. It is a nice larger city. We had a birthday breakfast the next morning at VIP's I think that stands for 'Village Inn Puebla'. It was a great start to the day. 


This trip is about so much more than just getting to Guatemala. It involves time together as a family, trusting God's timing. It involves laying down our expectations. It is a real time of preparation for the next phase of our lives. We are so thankful for so many things. Thankful for a safe trip, for making it to the campground before the car trouble. Thankful for games of Clue and Apples-to-Apples. Thankful for times of prayer and seeing God's hand move. Thankful for all of your prayers and emails, the words of encouragement. Blessings.

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