Sunday, June 22, 2008

I Quit!

After 10 years of working at the Nebraska Medical Center, I handed in my resignation on Friday. Oh, man! We are standing at the edge of the cliff ready to free-fall. In fact, we may have jumped already! Part of me is scared to death. I now don't have a job to support my wife and four kids and we are getting ready to take a trip that is not fully funded! As I am falling over the edge, I am yelling, "Lord catch us!" This seems a little crazy even to us.

Seriously, the trip is feeling more real than ever as the day of departure gets closer. My manager asked for a resignation letter so that she could post the job opening. I asked a few questions and did a little research and decided that my last day would be August 31st. I gave her my resignation letter which she then refused to take. . . at least initially. There is a true feeling of "what have we done?" but the overwhelming feeling is excitment. We are about to embark on an adventure trusting in the Lord for all of our needs. It is a huge step but it is also one filled with peace and joy. Thanks for joining us in this adventure! And thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Blakemore Family said...

Know that our family is praying for you as you prepare to leave for Guatemala. We have heard a lot about you, and are excited to hear what God will do!!

Jon, Karen, Michael, & Katie Blakemore
Fredericksburg, VA