Monday, December 28, 2020

Day 1: Guatemala to Mexico


The journey has begun!  We left Guatemala early this morning and are in Mexico tonight!  

I wanted to call this "What we learned today ..." and then continue that theme every day of the journey but what if we don't learn something every day?  You can't really start a 'theme' and then only do it one time ... 

So for today, here is what we learned.  😊

You can only import one vehicle into Mexico in your name.  Why is this relevant?  Because we have two vehicles packed full of all that we currently own.  Both vehicles are in Don's name (it is easier to do it that way for the Guatemala title process).

So .... my name (Lori) is on the US title for the Suburban and we requested duplicate titles for the kids to bring down for just such an issue.  Nope, that won't work.

Well ... good thing we always carry a certified copy of our marriage license with us wherever we go ... 

Um ... no ... but actually yes.  Again, we have everything we own in two vehicles.  Including our fireproof safe with all of our paperwork that we needed for our Guatemalan residency.  And when you request one certified copy of your marriage license for the Guatemala residency process, you should go ahead and request several.  

Then if you are ever trying to import more than one vehicle into Mexico and you need your wife to actually import one vehicle but her name isn't on the title and you need to prove that you are married ... you are set! 

True story. 

We actually had a very good day.  We started early.  We had only a 30 minute construction wait.  Things are pretty much back to normal at the Guatemala border.  Lots of people ... everywhere. We sailed through exiting Guatemala.  Mexico was easy as well (once we located our certified copy of our marriage license ... ) but it took some time.  We finally arrived at our stop for the night, ate some food and are now tucked into the hotel. 

Tomorrow is going to be a super long travel day.  Please pray for smooth sailing!  Thank you for joining us on the journey!  

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