Friday, December 2, 2016


So ... we missed posting a blog entry in November.  Time has gotten away from us as life here is filled with so much.  So much good stuff yet it is almost overwhelming at times.  

The hospital is moving forward in incredible ways.  The Lord continues to confirm that the care is so needed.  Leslie's blog entry expresses it so well.

We have also been working on making the old clinic our new home.  When I say 'we', I really mean Don.  He has been laying tile, cutting holes to make windows, installing ceiling fans, making us a screen door . . .

I am so thankful for how hard he works and for how creative he is.  He knows exactly the style I like (must be from building a house together!!) and I LOVE the screen door.  

Our favorite day of the week is Wednesday.  It is our day off.  We truly hide away in our 'new' home and spend time with the Lord and as a family.  

Church looks like a television show turned loud enough to fill every corner of the house.  

We all gather to worship, listen, learn and rest in the Presence of the Lord.  And drink coffee!! 

In the Old Testament, keeping the Sabbath was a commandment that if not kept, was considered disobedience.  In the New Testament,  Jesus says this:

"Then he said to them, 'The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.'"  Mark 2:27-28

Sabbath is a gift.  A time of rest and refocusing for us.  It is not a law that we obey because we have to, it is a privilege and blessing that we enjoy and look forward to.  

May you also find your rest in the Lord of the Sabbath. May He be the center as we begin this new month filled with the celebration of His birth.  May His peace fill our homes and our hearts.   

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Trip to the City

Last Wednesday, we loaded up and headed to Guatemala City.  Yes, we had just arrived home, but we had some appointments that we needed to make a priority so off we went on our 6-hour journey.

The first thing on the calendar was a dentist appointment for Don early the next morning.  He had had a root canal the day after we arrived back in the country about 2 weeks ago.  This appointment was the follow-up temporary crown visit.  

While he was at the dentist, the kids and I hung out at McDonald's with our devices and coffee!  

We needed to be close to the dentist's office because we had to go straight from the there to the office of the lady who is helping us with our Guatemalan residency.  She is our 'tramitadora' which translates to transactor or negotiator.  We have hired her to get us through this process.  We are so glad that we did!

We were actually early to our 10:30 am appointment so we could sign some of the documents.  She had never met our kids so we introduced them and then this is what they did while we signed the paperwork! 

The kids sat there as we watched the clock get closer and closer to 10:30, the time that we were 'supposed' to be at Migracion.  But this was her show so we just did as she asked us.  She didn't seemed concerned about the time.

Finally, we followed her to Migracion.

They use a number system at Migracion.  You walk up to the information window, they give you the next number and then you wait for your turn.  They were on number '47' when we walked in at 11:20 am and the place was packed.  One guy walked past us with the number 114!!  This was going to take hours!

Then a lady (who looked very similar to our tramitadora - maybe a daughter??) walked up to us and gave our tramitadora a number - #52!  Apparently, we have been doing this wrong!  No wonder she wasn't worried about the time.  She had a 'professional number holder'! 

Once they called our number, she told us to wait for her signal.  She went up to the window with our paperwork while we did this.

Once they took a look at the paperwork, Don and I had to go sign some more documents and then each of us had to go up and get our picture taken for the application.  We were in the migracion office for a total of 45 minutes!  This is a process that could have taken the entire afternoon!  

All of our paperwork was submitted and we received a copy of an official document that said we were in process of applying for our residency.  She told us to put it with our passports and then sent us on our way!  Now we wait as they process our applications.  She will let us know of any problems or issues.  Or when they approve us as permanent residents of Guatemala. 

Don was so excited that he started dancing on our way to get the car!

You may not be able to tell from the photos but he is 'twirling'!!

To help us redeem the long morning of waiting (although we were super grateful that it was just the morning and not the entire day!!), we decided to celebrate Hannah's birthday!  

She hated this part but isn't she so cute!  She is 15 and in the Latin world that means a QuinceaƱera and a big, fluffy dress!  We thought she would much prefer the sombrero!!

The restaurant was close enough to our hotel that the kids were able to opt out of the remaining errands that we had for the day.  I walked them toward the hotel to make sure they made it into the building.  Then Don picked me up and we headed off.  

One of our errands included picking up our 'new' used transmission for the Suburban.  Most of you know that we have been having issues since last January. We have tried everything that we could, outside of another transmission.  Then we decided we had no other options.  

Through a recommendation of some friends, we found a place in Guatemala City that found us a transmission from the States but it needed to be shipped down.  It had finally arrived!  We are praying it solves our problems and we can get the Suburban back on the road!  We will let you know how that turns out!!

On a cultural note - it is kite flying season here in Guatemala.  As we get closer to the Day of the Dead/All Saints' Day celebration, you see the skies and tiendas filled with kites.  

There are a couple 'theories' on why kites are so much a part of this time of year.  

One group attributes it to the children.  Part of the celebration of the Day of the Dead/All Saints' Day includes decorating the tombs of dead ancestors.  Because the children were bored with this, the parents gave them kites to keep them occupied.  

Another theory is more 'religious'.  This theory says that the kites were created by the Mayan to ward off bad spirits on All Saints' Day when the deceased are allowed to visit the human world.  The kites were also used to carry messages to heaven on behalf of those in purgatory. 

As we get closer to the end of the month, the spiritual climate here changes.  Please pray for the Lord's light to shine brightly during this time.

Thanks for following along as we figure out how to do life here!  We so appreciate your encouragement and support!!    

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Back in the States

(Update from Don)  We spent most of September back in the US. We hit the ground running!  Appointments, church conference, exams, shopping, play dates, coffee dates, more shopping, shared meals, church pop-in's, and more!  We are not sure how long our trip would have needed to be to see you all or get everything done we needed to. Sorry if we weren't able to connect. 

The first weekend back, we hosted a reception. Thank you to all who came out, it was great getting to see you all. 

The next day it was time for a road trip!  We drove with Caleb up to YWAM Minneapolis to drop him off for his DTS. 

It was great to see where he will spend the next several months and meet many of the leaders. They even had a Guatemalan flag in the cafeteria!

It was great to be able to spend time with family. We were able to celebrate Julia's birthday in person!

And of course there were games!

It was a great trip back. It was exhausting but very encouraging and confirming of our call to Guatemala. Thank you once again for your prayers, your encouragement, your support!  We could not be here without you all!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Dichotomy of Discontentment

Occasionally when we are praying as a group, someone will pray that we all have a sense of being discontent.  Almost always when this happens, I immediately feel this rising up in me of opposition.  “Please don’t pray that for me!”

It feels like through much of my adult life, I have been striving for a sense of ‘contentment’.  A sense of not being dissatisfied with my circumstances.  When I quit my job to be home with Caleb, I knew it was what the Lord wanted for me, but I so missed working.   I had wrapped my identity up in my ‘career’ since I was young.  It was always my goal and aspiration to be ‘successful’.  So I began praying for a sense of contentment for the circumstances where I now found myself.

Later when I found myself home with several kids and homeschooling, I again was praying for a sense of contentment.  I never wanted to stay home and . . . homeschooling, you have got to be kidding me!!  “Lord, please help my heart.  Please help me to find contentment in the middle of this chaos!” 

And now here I am.  In this Spanish-speaking country where it feels like nothing is easy.  Nothing. 

Again, I am praying for contentment in the midst of my circumstances.  And then, last night, someone starts praying for ‘discontentment’!!  What??  No, no, no!  I don’t like this unsettled feeling.  Synonyms for discontent include – dissatisfaction, unhappiness, resentment, envy, displeasure.  Those are all bad words.  Why would I pray to feel any of those??  And to top it off, Don was the one praying!

So the dichotomy presents itself.  How do I pray for contentment in my circumstances and yet discontentment in my spiritual life? 

I found this definition for discontent on  “restless aspiration for improvement”.

I like that better than the synonyms mentioned above.

I am sitting in the prayer room as Katie Shaw and Katie Ann are worshipping in Spanish.  This is a picture of the dichotomy of living here . . . and it is stirring my heart. 

As I pray with this ‘restless aspiration for improvement’ in my walk with the Lord, as I ask Him to take me deeper so I can know His heart, as I strive to decrease me so He can increase, my heart changes.  As I pray for discontentment, my heart becomes content . . . for this place where He has assigned me for a time such as this. 

So, I guess it is ok. 

Go ahead and pray for discontentment because only in that place of reaching for more of Him do I find contentment in my circumstances.  Only in that place of focusing on Him do I forget about how ‘hard’ things are. 

But can we call it ‘restless aspiration for improvement’ instead of ‘discontentment’? 

Too wordy?

But it makes me feel better. . .

I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all this through him who gives me strength.   
Philippians 4:11-13

Monday, August 1, 2016

Mexico and other stuff

We made it to Mexico and back!  It was a couple long days of driving 
(including a flat tire on the way home), a day at the beach
 and a day of watching tv and Walmart!  

The beach was super relaxing.  
We all got in the water once we found a little place
 to hang out all afternoon. 

Don thought we needed a selfie on the beach!

Typical Mexican lunch and cokes!

One of our plates.  The others had fish tacos, shrimp and chicken (for Hannah).

Several meals in the mall close to our hotel.  Longest quesadillas ever!

It was nice to get away but good to get back home!

 A couple pictures of 'work'.  

Brian and Morgan helping in the lab for clinic.  

Brian has been spending lots of time working 
on the electronic medical records system
 as well the pharmacy inventory.

Prayer sets are continuing.  
Two guitars, a ukulele and a djembe drum n this one.  
Another place where the interns are helping us out!  
Eliza has been singing while Brian and Morgan have been prayer leading.

Hannah helping me with payroll.

Bethany has been busy 'selling' 7 puppies.

The runt of the litter was the last to leave today.  
We were almost tempted to keep her. 

 Brian wanted to take her home with him!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Learning to Lean

I am trying to not let July slip by without a post!  We have been having issues with our computer which makes posting a little bit difficult.  However, even if the computer would have been working, I am not sure that I would have managed a post . . . to be honest!

I realized the other day that we haven't written since my family left at the end of May.  What in the world have we been doing since then???

We have been learning.  

Learning what it means to live here long-term.

Learning what it means to say 'good-bye' to friends.

Learning what it means to renew your passport at the US Embassy.

Learning what it means to host and take care of lots of different people.

Learning what it means to really honor the Sabbath.

Learning what it takes to become a resident here.

Learning what it means to live in community.

Learning what it takes to support a friend when a parent passes away.

Learning what it means to have things break . . . and only the internet to help you fix them.

Learning what it means to open a hospital.

Learning what it means when it really is time for your oldest to leave the 'nest'.

As a homeschool mom, I have always been on the "teach them to love learning" bandwagon. I still think that is a great idea. . . for my kids!  I would really like to just 'coast' for a while.  My brain is tired.  Does it sound like I am whining??

Ok, well, maybe I am.

Just for a minute.

I have also been learning that I need to keep my eyes fixed on the One who holds all of this stuff in the palm of His hand.  I have been learning to sit at His feet like Mary instead of always doing like Martha.

If my eyes stray for just a minute . . . well, you just saw what happens.  It isn't pretty.

I have learned that I need Him to do any of this stuff.  I need Him to direct my steps so I don't feel overwhelmed.  I need Him because I want to feel His peace and not anxiety.  He is so faithful.

We leave for Mexico tomorrow.  Part of living here means renewing our tourist VISA every 90 days by either paying for an extension or leaving the country for 72 hours.  We can only do one extension each 90 days so it is time to leave to reset the VISA.

There is so much to do here and we will be gone for 4 days . . .  Lord, use this time to refresh us and renew us.

Our oldest is not going with us.  This leaving the nest stuff is harder than it looks . . . Lord, speak to his heart and direct His steps.  He is Yours.

I am also learning to lean.

"Earth has no words that can convey the holy calm of a soul leaning on Jesus."
 - C.H. Spurgeon 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016


We have been so blessed by visits from my family!  They came for a week at the end of May to help out, spend time with us and see some new things!

Last December they had worked so much to get us moved into our 'new' home but didn't actually get to see the 'finished' product.  (We are far from finished but the goal was to get it so we could move in!)  We don't have a lot of space yet so this trip we had to get a little bit creative at meal time.  The adults sat in our 'future' front courtyard and the kids had a picnic for a few meals!

 Naomi and Julia helped the girls out at Oasis. Sam even got to be a part of the work (and snacks!)

Mom and Jen went to the widows' project with us.  We were actually a little shorthanded this month so it was very nice to have some extra hands.  

They helped put the tags in each basket.

Mom said good-bye to all the ladies when we were done!

Scott helped Caleb and Don work on the prayer room some as well.  The last few days we took them all to Antigua.  We had found a house to rent that would fit us all so we packed everything up and got away.  It was very nice to just have some 'down' time!  We are so thankful that they are willing to come and spend time in Guatemala with us!

The next time we see them will be in the US!  
Our first trip back will be this September.  
More info on that to come!  

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Sardis UMC Team

This small but mighty team was a HUGE blessing to us last week!  My cousin, Rodney, and his wife, Elizabeth, were so fun to have here.  Bonnie was a returning visitor and she brought her husband, Clifford, with her this time.  We also made a new friend in Charles!    

They were so willing to do whatever was needed including dishes, painting, drywall, car repair, etc. etc.  But it wasn't all work and no play!!

We took them to one of our favorite places to eat!  A local resident makes dobladas almost every afternoon/evening (well, except Christmas - we found that out the hard way!)  We had a wonderful team of 3 ladies from Texas who joined the AR team for much of their time here!  It was a blessing to see them all interact and develop some new friendships!

They also went to Oasis where Hannah and Bethany served them a ton of 'licuados' in a bag (smoothies)!!  

On Sunday we took them to see clinic as well as do some shopping.  We ended with a quick tour of the Children's Home.

More clinic on Tuesday!  Those of us that were not 'medical' went for a hike to a lookout (that we may or may not have found!) 

We heard rumors of protests in Guatemala happening on Wednesday (the day that we were planning to take the team to Antigua) so we packed everyone up in a hurry and left Tuesday afternoon!

Although the departure was fast, it was such a blessing to be in Antigua Tuesday night.  We started the morning on Wednesday with some shopping!

The group wanted more 'typical' Guatemalan food so we went on the search!

We found a restaurant with a nice atmosphere and the food was very Guatemalan.  We may keep seraching for future teams but it worked!

We did a little sightseeing and then had to get back to the hotel.  Caleb was arriving home from his trip to Israel and we wanted to be there when he arrived!  This is one of many, very old church/monasteries in Antigua.

We tried to keep Caleb awake to get his internal clock set back to Guatemala time! We first asked him to lead us in some worship during the team debriefing.  Then we hung out here until it was actually 'bedtime'!  He almost dozed off mid-sentence several times! 

The next day, a shuttle took the team to the airport for their return flight to Arkansas!

We were so encouraged by their time here!  

We loved the way that the Lord moved among them. 

Thank  you so much, Sardis UMC, for sharing these 5 with us!!