Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Piano for Katie

When we returned from Guatemala a little over a year ago. The girls began a piano curriculum called "Music in Me". They had wanted to play a little for Katie while we were in Guatemala last February because she is a very talented piano player and they know that she really likes music. Unfortunately, we ran out of time for all of the things that we wanted to do. The girls have been working on a duet of "This is My Father's World" and we decided to try to videotape it so we could share it with Katie. Here it is:

Caleb has been learning the guitar but he wouldn't let me videotape him. Maybe I can sneak it sometime!! He is working on "I could sing of your love forever" - we have been singing it in both English and Spanish. It has been so much to see them enjoy learning and playing music.

On another note, we have been studying India and Mother Teresa for history. The poverty, hunger and hopelessness have been convicting us of how much we are blessed in this country. If you have been keeping up with what is happening in Guatemala, you know that the hunger is getting worse there. The rains usually begin again in May; however, the people need corn to get through the planting and harvesting. The price of corn has gone up from Q125 at the end of 2009 (about $15.50) for 100 pounds to Q160 (about $20) recently. In the areas hardest hit by the drought this price is unrealistic. As the supply of corn continues to decrease, the prices will only get higher. Here is a story published by the United Nations on the situation.

As a family, we are praying about what we can do to help the starving people of Guatemala. It is hard to know that we have more than enough when others are suffering. If you want to help, go to this link to Adonai's blog. It is a "chance to do something beautiful for God" - Mother Teresa.

1 comment:

Jennifer Sather said...

Terrific playing, Bethany and Hannah! Love you all - Aunt Jen