Sunday, February 1, 2009

God is light!

We woke up this morning to no electricity. When I opened my eyes it was so dark that it was hard to tell that my eyes were open. Samuel was crying because he couldn't see either. Don got up and lit some candles after he ran into some stuff on the way! Samuel went back to sleep after being told that the lights didn't work. I got up and started making some granola for breakfast. Since our stove runs on propane we were able to still use it without electricity. Don took this picture of me reading the recipe and stirring the ingredients by candle light. It looks much lighter than it is because of the flash on the camera.

We rely so much on electricity. We don't realize that until we don't have it. I was very thankful this morning that the weather is so mild here unlike the weather in the US where many people don't have power because of ice and snow. We pray that power will be restored soon to those in the dark and cold.

All of this reminded me of 1 John 1:5 "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all." When it was so dark this morning, one candle made a big difference. A small amount of light will push back the darkness. More candles, added to the first one, made an even bigger difference. If we have the Lord in us, we make a difference in this world. We show the world the light of God if we live our lives for Him. It doesn't matter if we are in Guatemala or Africa or the United States, the Lord can shine His light through us.

We are in the middle of another clinic weekend. Don, Leslie, Katie, Craig and Malachi (a visitor for the weekend) are in San Andres right now. I pray that the people that they are serving are seeing the light of Christ in them. I pray that all of us shine brightly for Him today! Thanks for reading!

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